Traveling dog vaccine

Illustration : "Les vaccins pour chien lors d'un voyage"

if you have the opportunity to travel with your dog, please plan to update its vaccine to ensure that your situation complies with applicable laws. Make sure you comply with French laws and the laws of the country you will visit.


rabies vaccine must take precautions to ensure that you do not exceed the information of the destination country, European passport and

vaccine Are you going to travel with your faithful four legged partner? It will be a wonderful experience for you. You don’t have to leave it, and you don’t have to find someone who is willing to leave it in your absence. Just like your dog, it won’t suffer from separation. On the other hand, there are some precautions to ensure that your stay will not bring you bad surprises. Among them, vaccination is undoubtedly the most important. We must act as soon as possible to avoid exceeding the deadline. What kind of vaccine should you give your dogs and what are the arrangements for them?

must be vaccinated against rabies.

rabies vaccine is mandatory for all 3-month-old puppies. If you plan to take your dog on a trip, you must make sure he has been vaccinated against rabies. This obligation applies to any trip of your pet outside France, but also to any trip you return to France.

takes precautions to ensure that you do not exceed

when planning your trip. Please remember the specified date for the recall of rabies vaccine. The last trip must be completed at least 21 days before the departure date.

please note that the validity period is one year. Please be careful not to exceed the reminder date. Kdspe receives suggestions from woopets by registering for the newsletter. I register your email address collected by woopets so that you can receive our news and business offers. For more information about the destination country

, please consult your veterinarian to find out the arrangement of the country you intend to take your dog to. Ask what types of administrative, health and medical obligations are required so that you can prepare for them long enough in advance. (except the UK, which withdrew from the EU in early 2020) requires a rabies antibody titration test equal to at least 0.5 IU / ml. this measure also applies to countries outside the EU and overseas.

Please feel free to collect information on the Internet, travel websites and forums to learn about national rules on pets.

can also be read: Taking dogs to sea

European passport and vaccine

Since January 1, 2009, the European passport is the only document to prove the vaccination of dogs against rabies. When you leave France, you must take your passport with you. Please remember that the veterinarian has the right to provide your dog with a European passport, which also includes your animal identity information.

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