8 very funny dogs despite the stupidities of which they are the author

Our friends the dogs do a lot of stupid things but remain cute all the same. As these photos show us.

Dogs don’t do things by halves. When they do something stupid, they go all the way. So much so that we often find them in hilarious situations, with wacky expressions. They are no less cute.

Here are 8 funny photos of dogs having done something stupid.

1. This dog absolutely wanted to practice a board sport but he actually has no idea what it is, something he seems to regret bitterly.

2. A Pug, of which here is the most beautiful portrait possible, sliding down a toboggan that still never ends

3. He had made a big deal to be given this toy back to him, but he had to come back to ask that we release him.

4. An English Bulldog who didn’t know what to expect when going up on this slide and who didn’t seem to land a successful landing.

5. He thought he was playing with cats who aren’t in the mood for laughing.

6. As proud as he was of his great find and his great stick, he hasn’t been able to move forward for a long time now.

7. This poor puppy wanted to climb like cats, but soon realized his mistake

Read also: A police dog honored a year and a half after a serious injury suffered during a heroic intervention

8. Playing catching up with the Frisbee should not be done as if the fate of the world depends on it, because trees can be in our way, on which we can crash like flies.


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