A woman jogging in a park is trapped by a repeat offender rapist. His dog flies to his aid!

In Canada, a jogger escaped a repeat rapist thanks to her dog. The animal defended itself and began to bark, scaring off the attacker and forcing him to flee. The description provided by the victim led to his arrest shortly after.

Martin Lussier , 45, was not the first time he was raped. He had already attacked at least 2 victims, aged 17 and 19, in 2001 and 2004. This had earned him an 11-year prison sentence. During the 3 rd , he was not able to realize his dark designs, very fortunately. The young woman he was targeting was saved by her dog, as reported by Le Journal de Montréal on Friday, May 21.

Martin Lussier (photo: Le Journal de Montréal)

The individual recently appeared before Judge Nathalie Duchesneau at the Montreal courthouse to answer these facts which took place more than a year ago, in April 2020.

That day, the victim was doing his usual jogging in one of the parks in the city of Quebec, accompanied by his dog. Martin Lussier , who had been under long-term surveillance since the end of his imprisonment, had decided to follow her.

Saving barking

The young woman had noticed it and had accelerated the pace. The rapist did the same. After catching her, he grabbed her by the arm and tried to drag her into the woods. Fortunately, the canine prevented him from doing so. He barked with all his might at the assailant, forcing him to let go of his owner and flee.

The latter then called the police and provided her report. The rapist was arrested soon after the assault.

Read also: A Labrador forms a tender friendship with a lamb saved by its owner (video)


Martin Lussier pleaded guilty. He incurs a heavy penalty, being a repeat offender. He will be summoned to court again in a few weeks.

The dog was heroic. His mom can be proud of him.


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