Riddled with 17 bullets and blind, Maggie becomes therapy bitch!

Wild at heart foundation

Maggie’s fate is quite magical. She was not given much when she was found, riddled with bullets, on the roads of Beirut . But a few months later, here she is therapy bitch in England. Although disfigured and blind, she comes forward each time with conviction to convey her message. A message filled with love.

On the side of the road in Beirut , Maggie saw death approaching . In his condition, nothing would have been more normal. The bitch was pregnant , but above all disfigured and hit in her pulpit by more than 17 bullets ! She had also broken jaw and ear less. Maggie was just a shadow of herself.

Fortunately, a transfer to the UK and the Wild At Heart Foundation were able to save her . In front of her, a vet saw a horror of horror. What’s more, he saw that Maggie had bullet holes in the eyes. Yes, she had gone blind. His attacker had not gone there by 4 ways.

His kindness and the trust placed in the human being were saving him. Maggie was fortunate enough to meet Kasey Carline and her mother. They decided, as I Heart Dogs tells it, to adopt it. Maggie was thus able to find a definitive home . Home already populated by a bitch, with which the current is immediately passed.

Maggie Became Therapy Bitch

Faced with Maggie’s displayed great kindness, Kasey decided to train her as a therapy dog. And so to take her to hospitals, retirement homes, schools, so that she can share her story. Be visible to all. And transmit its values , its great moral strength .

She has a loving mind and brings a smile to people’s faces ,” Kasey says. In her own way, Maggie brings happiness to others. There is nothing dishonorable about his life. Quite the contrary. She uses her disabilities to make her a strength . Something to inspire more than one human being on Earth.

Read also: A stray dog invites herself to a bachelor party and changes the course of the evening

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