Abandoned twice by his owners the same day, he discovers what love is!

A video showing a person cruelly abandoning their disabled dog has caused a stir in Brazil and elsewhere in the world.

The images are both sad and scandalous . A video that circulated on Twitter shows a woman getting out of her car, disembarking one of her dogs , which only moves on its hind legs , then re-boarding with her other pet before restarting, leaving the poor canine on place .

These events took place several months ago in Sao Leopoldo , a city in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil. A sequence that shocked many Internet users, reports Bored Panda . Fortunately, the unfortunate dog did not wander for long, since the next day it was learned that he had been taken in by a local organization called Patas Geurreras , where he received the name Tintin .

In addition, it turned out that the person in question had abandoned him on 2 occasions that day. Earlier in the day, she had tried to get rid of it for the first time, but a woman had brought it back to her, thinking it had gone astray . The scene that the video shows us, where she pushes him violently to prevent him from getting back into the vehicle, is the second abandonment .

He will be the last, since, thanks to Patas Geurreras , a loving family adopted Tintin .

Read also: The warm and supportive welcome of the residents given to the only puppy in a refuge (video)

As for its former owner, it has been identified by the police and will have to answer for it in court . The penalties for animal abuse in Brazil range from 3 months to 1 year in prison, with a fine.


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