Frightened by the noise, this dog can count on his cat friend to reassure him

Terrified by the storm, Moose the dog found the most precious support in Marvin the cat.

Having a friend you can count on makes it easier to live through difficult times . This is exactly the case for Moose and Marvin , whose story is reported by The Dodo .

Moose is a cross bitch Pitbull 7 years and Marvin is a cat owner, Mary Barnes, had collected in October 2019. Initially, she did not know if the two animals would get along. Moose had never had the opportunity to meet a cat before, but his gentle and discreet temperament gave hope for an uneventful cohabitation.

Some time ago, the whole family moved to settle in Detroit , Michigan. Since then, Mary Barnes began to notice that Moose became more and more sensitive to loud noises . Whenever a thunderstorm breaks out or there is fireworks , she gets scared , starts to tremble and goes to hide in the bathtub . Marvin does not seem at all bothered by the din at all. The black-robed feline is not only not scared, but he also takes care of reassuring his friend Moose . This is what their mistress has seen recently.

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And once the storm passed, the 2 friends started playing again as if nothing had happened


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