Neglected for 10 years and after losing the use of 2 of its legs, this dog is totally transformed

The change was nothing short of spectacular. Until his death at the age of 15, Amaze-Bobb had experienced a second part of life full of love and happiness, while the previous one was a real ordeal. Despite his 2 missing legs, this dog had managed to go up the slope.

Amaze-Bobb is no longer of this world, but all those who knew him remember a dog as determined to fight for a living as to spread joy around him. Despite his handicap and his painful past , he was admirable until the end.

In 2015, he was discovered by the animal control service and turned over to the Synergy Animal Rescue shelter in San Diego , California. The animal was in extremely worrying condition, as The Dodo recounted. His coat was so dirty and matted that when the volunteers shaved it, they discovered that his hair had cut off the blood circulation in 2 of his paws , which he had lost the use of . The limbs in question had been amputated by force of circumstances . Veterinarians had to remove the dead parts of these legs during an operation. They then removed most of his teeth , which were also badly damaged and causing him excruciating pain.

Despite everything, it was the beginning of the rebirth for this brave dog. Amaze-Bobb has seen his health improve over the months and he has gradually adapted to his disability.

Thanks to the association’s team, then to his host family who made him exercise regularly, especially in the swimming pool, the doggie began to move around on his own , and even to run .

His foster family then decided to adopt him permanently . Amaze-Bobb was enjoying his new life alongside the 2 other dogs in the house, the Siberian Huskies .

He lived happily with them until March 19, 2018, the date of his death .

Read also: Shinga, a courageous dog trained to fight against poaching

Fans who followed his progress on his dedicated Facebook page continue to rediscover his memories. Amaze-Bobb would have been 15 years old on January 20. Her family threw a small, symbolic party that day in her memory.


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