Dog rescued after being found paralyzed and covered in mud in mountain

A stray dog’s chances of survival seemed extremely slim when it was discovered. The animal was skeletal, paralyzed and in pain. For the vets and the person who rescued him, the canine had to be saved at all costs.

While hiking in a snow-capped mountain, a woman made a terrible discovery; a dog on its side, covered in mud and howling in pain and distress, as the Animal Channel recounts.

NTH Animal Rescue / YouTube

The quadruped was extremely thin. Paralyzed, he could only cry out to express his fear and pain, as the hiker tried to reassure him. No one knows how long he had endured this ordeal, but he had to be saved without wasting a moment.

She took him to the nearest veterinary clinic. The first examinations led to a finding that was cold in the back. The dog had received a poisoned arrow. He also suffered from a fractured spine which pinched his nerves. Fortunately, the spinal cord was not affected. The paralysis was therefore not final.

NTH Animal Rescue / YouTube

The hiker saved his life

The dog, who was named Utah , began his treatments. His health was improving day by day. As he recovered, his endearing personality came to light. From a dog in great pain, terrified and suspicious of all who approached him, he turned into a confident, playful and affectionate companion towards the one who had saved him. The hiker has, in fact, decided to adopt it.

NTH Animal Rescue / YouTube

Utah continues her long recovery with her new mistress, who offers her care, attention and love. The vets explained to the latter that an operation was the only solution to repair her spine, but that said intervention would be extremely risky. She then chose not to have Utah operated on, which gradually adapts to her condition and fully enjoys her new life.

Read also: A dog abandoned in a park desperately awaits the return of its owner and refuses the food offered by passers-by

NTH Animal Rescue / YouTube

The specialists also assured that if she had not discovered it at that time, the poison would have continued to act and Utah would not have survived. She literally saved his life.


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