Discover in 13 photos the surprise appearance of a dog during a weather program

A Goldendoodle makes an appearance during the weather report on Canadian TV and delights the hearts of viewers. As these photos show us.

Anthony Farnell is a weather presenter in Toronto. He was busy presenting the weather report when his dog joined him on the screen. The Goldendoodle is called Storm and was allowed to stay by his side until the end of the bulletin.

Here are 13 photos of a dog showing the weather.

1. This is Storm, the Goldendoodle dog who was looking for his treats

2. The presenter being none other than his owner, the dog simply joined him.

3. The team saw no reason for him to leave the studio.

4. The dog was therefore able to continue his research while the temperatures were displayed on the screen.

5. The audience of the Canadian channel had known Storm for ten years.

6. The presenter was therefore requested to keep the animal on the set.

7. He even continued to do his work without being in any way distracted by the presence of his 4-legged friend.

8. While, behind him, his dog explored every nook and cranny of the plateau in search of his treats.

9. Accustomed to the chain’s trays for ten years, the dog was in no way intimidated by the presence of the camera.

10. Nor by the funny postures adopted by its owner while he was doing his work

11. This show amused the spectators and their reactions were very enthusiastic.

12. Storm regularly accompanies its owner to work and participates in various activities

Read also: By adopting a senior dog, this 96-year-old woman is mobilizing to give senior dogs a chance

13. A duo that spectators adore and which also has many fans on social networks, especially Instagram


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