Dogs and cats have funny ways. It is well known, they are the kings of absurd situations. These photos prove it.
The manners of our pets are not always very conventional . More often than not, their attitude is strange and comical. So much so that life with them is often a part of fun and fun.
Here are 18 photos of dogs and cats that make us laugh.
1. Playing contortionist is a discipline he learned on his own. He has funny hobbies for a cat
2. The dog who refuses to enter the bathtub but who, once in the water, spends hours there
3. This imposing dog does not realize the size differences that exist between him and the cat. Obviously he’s not the one who rules the house
4. Every now and then during the day, she makes herself want to spend a few minutes with her tongue hanging out. He resumes his activities just after
5. A mixed feeling takes him aboard this boat, he is both excited and terrified.
6. This Labrador Retriever bitch looks at her portrait thinking she sees another dog
7. His way of begging to be let in, 2 minutes after he begged to be let out
9. He finally succeeded in establishing his reign over the houseplant.
10. This Mastiff crusader looks like he weighs just a little more than a feather
11. To play the fool in the morning, the best of all ideas according to him
12. Making music has never been easier than with this cat
13. How to use a sofa, lesson number one
14. An Australian Shepherd who has a fusional relationship with water jets
15. He insists that the ball be thrown at him, only to keep it in his mouth while fixing his master’s gaze. Funny rules for a game
To read also: This beautiful friendship between a dog and raccoons will melt your heart! (Video)
16. This Beagle goes up on the table when 2 minutes go by without anyone asking him.
17. He fell asleep on the dashboard
18. Smiling for the photo does not have the same meaning everywhere in the world