Teach his dog the order of “sit down”

Illustration : "Apprendre l'ordre ,

and “sitting posture” are part of the basic obedience exercise. This is still one of the earliest lessons your dog must learn. It’s easy to learn from 2 months old. Few dogs do not obey this command. It is very simple and often serves as a springboard to teach your dog other commands.


prerequisites how to teach it? I’m glad to know… The command

is very formatted. In fact, it will allow your dog to integrate voice related requests, gesture language and rewards at the same time. The

prerequisite “sit down” command requires a lot of synchronization. Your dog must quickly associate words with actions. This must be done (as always) through rewards. Use game time to teach him this command. For example, when you play ball. Once he returns it to you or waits for your pitch, let him sit down and act.

but first, there is a foolproof way to get your dog to sit down at the beginning of the course…

also reads: how to learn commands from dogs?

Receive suggestions from woopets by registering for a newsletter. I register your email address collected by woopets, allowing you to receive our news and business offers. Learn more about how to teach her? Eat some candy and use it to attract the dog’s attention. They’ll make your dog understand. Then put the candy on the dog’s head and let him look up at you. Then put it behind your nose. Your dog has no choice but to lean back, put the rear wheel on the ground and catch it. It’s a dog’s instinct. When he sits down, they don’t want to turn around, give him candy and touch him affectionately. Repeat this several times. You will find that your dog will soon understand how to win his food. He will react and sit faster and faster. When he clearly understands what you expect of him, he says “sit down” as soon as he sits down. Even if he has completed the sitting position, it helps him connect the ban with the actions he must perform. After practice, once your dog understands the verbal command, you can let him sit down and don’t eat anything in return. I’m glad to know…

should know that in the learning stage, you should reduce your dog’s chewing ration to compensate for the food he eats. In addition, caressing and kind words are also a good reward for your dog.

if you eat too much, you may make your dog fat.

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