Dog bites letter carrier while delivering package

Illustrative photo

Last weekend, a La Poste employee was attacked by the dog of the recipient of the package she was delivering. Bitten on the thorax and having suffered several scratches, she was hospitalized. A complaint could be filed.

It was supposed to be an uneventful tour for this postwoman from La Poste , but she ended up in hospital after being targeted by a dog , as reported by Ouest France .

The incident took place on the morning of Saturday, January 4, around 9:30 a.m. The postwoman, in her forties, and her colleague were delivering a package to Saint-Vincent-de-Tyrosse , in the Landes department. It was when the recipient opened the door that the latter’s dog took the opportunity to come out and attack the letter carrier .

She was thus bitten on the thorax and received multiple claws . The 2 employees of La Poste immediately returned to the mail processing center, which is located nearby. Warned, the firefighters quickly arrived on the scene to take charge of her, before taking her to the hospital. 6 days of ITT (temporary incapacity for work) were prescribed to him. A complaint could be filed by the victim or by his employer.

Ouest France recalled that dog attacks are the leading cause of work stoppage among postmen in France. In the Landes department alone, 17 such attacks were recorded in the past year.

Read also: A grandmother deemed too old to adopt a dog, receives a moving gift from her granddaughter (video)

It is well known that dogs have a strong sense of territory and protection . It therefore happens that they perceive any individual approaching their master’s home as an intruder , a potential threat . Some of them then become aggressive, as was the case in Saint-Vincent-de-Tyrosse .

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