Man visits Chinese meat festival in hopes of saving dogs

The Yulin festival (south of China) has never ceased to be controversial since its creation. Every year dogs are killed for their meat. Magnus Khun Purdy, a resident of Toronto (Canada) decided to take action to help the victims.

The latter explained that the event was set up almost 10 years ago by dog meat traders, with the aim of increasing their sales. Shocked by this practice, he started A Better Spot Foundation, a nonprofit organization that seeks to rescue endangered animals and keep them safe.

© A Better Spot Foundation

8 dogs rescued from Yulin festival this year

After losing his faithful 4-legged companion to cancer in 2016, Magnus Khun Purdy visited the Chinese festival for the first time. 5 dogs were recovered. The Good Samaritan then contacted a veterinarian, a hotel and a company specializing in transporting pets.

© A Better Spot Foundation

Once rescued, the survivors are sent to Canada where they receive care and attention. As soon as they are ready, they are offered for adoption, the costs of which are higher than usual. And for good reason: the costs associated with rescuing dogs in China are very high.

© A Better Spot Foundation

Although the operation is trying and expensive, the founder of the organization A Better Spot Foundation is not planning to stop anytime soon.

To read also: Abandoned by his masters for having broken his paw, this dog has found a foster family and can start his new life

© A Better Spot Foundation

Unfortunately, thousands of canines cannot be spared. But Magnus Khun Purdy is doing everything possible to help. This year, he managed to bring 8 dogs to Canada, safely. 2 of them have already found their family forever.


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