According to this study, having a dog is a way to extend your life expectancy!

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Swedish researchers observed that dog owners were less prone to heart disease.

Scientists have researched more than 3.4 million Swedes. All are between 40 and 80 years old. The aim of this study is to see if there is a link between cardiovascular disorders and living with a dog .

The results were first published in Scientific Reports . They revealed that these people seemed to be better prepared against cardiovascular disease during the 12 years of follow-up. The people most exposed to this kind of disorder being those who live alone, the study showed that a dog was a very effective bulwark. The figures prove that, during these 12 years of follow-up, owners of dogs who live alone had 33% less risk of dying, and 11% less risk of developing cardiovascular disease. This in comparison with unaccompanied individuals who do not have a dog.

It was also discovered that the link between good cardiovascular health and dogs was all the more strengthened when the animal in question was a hunting dog . This is what Mwenya Mubanga , author of the study and doctoral student, said, as reported by Sciencedaily .

In Sweden, all dog owners must be registered since 2001. By this means, an average could be noted to confirm that consultations for heart problems were not numerous for people with a dog.

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Several factors may explain this link. It may be that a dog pushes to exercise . Well-being is also a possible factor, but there may also be other data relating to the people themselves.

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