A dog missing for 43 days found in a grain silo

Kent County Animal Shelter / Facebook

Missing in early January, Milo was found tens of kilometers from his home and trapped at the bottom of an old grain silo. The dog managed to survive despite extremely difficult conditions. His family was able to pick him up and bring him home.”

The news of the rescue of an English Springer named Milo was announced yesterday by the animal shelter in Kent County, Michigan, via its Facebook page. It is all the more remarkable that this dog had been nowhere to be found for 43 days.”

The day before, the county animal control department had been informed that a dog was trapped at the bottom of an old 3-meter-high grain elevator in Sand Lake. Locals had been hearing his barking for a few days before they managed to locate the canine. However, there was nothing they could do to save him.”

Arrived on the spot, the agents and locals joined their efforts to reassemble the quadruped. Which they managed to do by tying a rope around his body.”

” Found thin, hungry and dehydrated, but alive and well

The English Springer finally secure, the animal control service began to look for its owners. He was helped by the organization Lost Paws LLC, which linked it to a post about a dog lost on January 8. She contacted the family, which confirmed that it was the same Milo.”

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The last time he was seen was in early February. The place where he was discovered and rescued is 30 kilometers from the home of his masters. No one knows how he got his way around and landed at the bottom of the silo. He survived cold, hunger, dehydration and lost nearly 15 kilograms.”

The reunion with its owners was full of emotion, as reported by M Live.”

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