A foster family, this man cannot hide his emotion when he learns that he is adopting his dog.

She wanted a second dog at all costs. He was skeptical. He agreed to become a foster family with a view to eventually acquiring a second canine. In the end, he fell head over heels for the dog that transformed him. Even his wife was not expecting it. The 2 could not miss an adoption that has become evident over the days.

The deal was clear. Ann Hoang , an American citizen, dreamed of adopting a second dog to enlarge the family circle. Her husband wasn’t that hot. Nevertheless, they agreed to give it a try as a foster family . If all went well, then they would proceed to adopt a second pet after Charlie . It was without counting on Toby !

A saving evening on the sofa

This dog had just landed on American soil after having lived the beginning of its life in South Korea . Wandering, he was first taken to a shelter that did not have enough room for him, before being rescued by Band For Animal , a rescue organization which fights against the slaughter of dogs in Asia, destined for the trade. of their meat.

His beginnings at Ann Hoang were hesitant. Crouching at the bottom of his crate, he did not dare to go out . Simply observing the environment and its new owners . The latter saw their patience be rewarded and literally fell madly in love with their Toby . Even Ann’s husband was won over. “ The first night Toby sat next to my husband, who succumbed to the dog’s gentleness. The two got attached to each other from that point on,Ann tells The Dodo.

He burst into tears

The symbiosis was perfect. After a week of living together, it was as if Toby had always been part of this family. The question of its final adoption could no longer arise. “ This was the first time I saw that my husband would be lost without him,Ann said . So the best gift she could give was to tell him that the adoption was official .

Read also: 2 days of frantic search to find a dog missing after a bear attack

She did not skimp on the means, contacting a false potential buyer for Toby . The man in question showed up one fine day to supposedly get to know the dog. Except that he gave Ann’s husband a card. Reading it, the latter could not contain his tears . “ I didn’t think he would cry so much. I’ve never seen him react that way, ”admits his wife. Yes, he had gone from skepticism of a second dog to his unconditional love for her. In just a few days.


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Other names: Ancestral English Sheepdog, English Sheepdog, Old English Sheepdog 4.1 / 5 14 reviews Navigation The Bobtail or Ancestral English Sheepdog (Old English Sheepdog),


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