A man discovers abandoned puppies in the middle of the woods in a catastrophic state. Their life hangs by a thread

2 years ago, a litter of puppies was found in a forest in Alabama (Southeastern United States). The siblings tried to survive on their own in the cold, until one day a man crossed their path.

The little creatures found lost in the woods were in a deplorable state. Emaciated, weak and afraid, they had no mother or owner to watch over them. Their skin was chapped from the cold, and many parts of their bodies were hairless.

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What the puppies were doing there alone remains a mystery. If a Good Samaritan hadn’t helped them, they sure would have died today. The man picked them up and took them to a shelter, says Bored Panda . The volunteers were shocked at the appearance of the young dogs, whose lives hung by a thread.

© Second City Canine Rescue

A DNA test to find out which breed it is

They smelled so bad that the shelter staff had to wear masks to bathe them, ” said Nicole Zaguroli of Second City Canine Rescue. “ They were in very bad condition, they had scabies, they were malnourished and cold. When they arrived, the puppies weighed only 2 kilos. It was difficult for the healers to determine their race. They initially assumed they were Cockers.

© Second City Canine Rescue

The latter, due to their ill health, were brought to Auburn Veterinary College for further medical treatment. They were then placed in foster homes.

© Second City Canine Rescue

Over the months, the puppies began to recover. They have gained weight and energy; their hairs even grew back. Once fully recovered, it was revealed through a DNA test that the survivors were in fact Pyrenean Mountain Dogs!

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Read also: A mother films an adorable sequence in which her baby laughs when she sees their dog trying to catch bubbles

After going through hell, the siblings thrive in their new respective families. They are now enjoying excellent health and have become magnificent.

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