A pig becomes best friend with a French Bulldog after falling in love with the breed!

Pickles may be a pig, but his best friends are not dogs, but dogs. And not just any, since it only attaches itself to French Bulldogs. Its owners therefore had the idea of adopting one, hoping that they would get along.

Sometimes the best friendship stories unite people of different species . This is the case with Pickles the pig and Dill the dog .

When he was still a very young piglet, Pickles had been rescued by Maddie , his current foster mom. He was then in a flooded farm and the intervention of Maddie , who had just made 4 hours of road to recover him, had saved his life . He had quickly made a place for himself in his new family.

The latter began to notice soon after that this pig enjoyed the company of dogs. He had a clear preference for French Bulldogs , especially that of the neighbors. “ I think it’s because they have a pig-like figure, make similar noises, are not ashamed of anything, etc. Maddie explains to The Dodo .

The latter and his family then decided to adopt a French Bulldog in turn. This is how Dill became the new member of the family. It only remained to see if the pig and the dog were going to get along . They did better than that …

Pickles and Dill became real brothers in no time. Inseparable , they spend their days either playing or huddling together.

Read also: Rejected by his mother, this unusually small horse finds comfort with 3 dogs

For its part, the pig, which is a little more reckless than the canine, helps him overcome his fears , especially that of water . He swims in front of her to show her that he doesn’t have to be afraid of it.

In short, Dill and Pickles are best friends !


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