A veterinarian discovers 22 abandoned puppies in front of his office. Unable to save them all, he calls for help on the networks!

After discovering about twenty puppies abandoned in front of his office, a Texan veterinarian entrusted them to a local association. The latter launched an appeal via Facebook, hoping to find foster families and help with food and care for the young canines.

In San Antonio , Texas, a veterinarian was surprised to find, in front of his office, no less than 22 puppies that had just been abandoned , as reported by Sputnik .

They were all taken care of by the team at San Antonio Pets Alive , a local shelter. It is also this association that announced this discovery on October 5 via its Facebook account.

The puppies, described by San Antonio Pets Alive as Shepherd Crossbreeds, were only 3 weeks old when they were discovered. They were therefore much too young to be deprived of their mothers . Specialists agree, in fact, that for the emotional and behavioral balance of a puppy, it should not leave its parent before the age of 10 to 12 weeks .

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Finally, San Antonio Pets Alive specifies that any surplus donations will be used to help other dogs and cats in difficulty.


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