Abandoned by its owners during a move, a Siberian Husky survives 14 days without water or food!

The fact that a dog locked up, deprived of water and food for 2 weeks, survived is literally a miracle. The animal in question had been abandoned by its owners, who had left the premises without worrying about its fate.

In Lawrenceville , in the State of Georgia (southern United States), a dog was rescued after spending 14 days on a balcony , without water or food , reports the Pepette site.

This is a 2 year old female Siberian Husky. Emaciated and dehydrated , she was taken to the Gwinnett County Animal Shelter , where she received all the care she needed.

It is the county sheriff’s deputies who intervened to save the animal, after having been warned by neighbors anxious to see day and night on the balcony of the apartment on the 2nd floor, which housed his masters. The latter had deserted the place , leaving the dog left to her own devices, without any possibility of leaving.

The police have managed to identify the owners of the Siberian Husky. An arrest warrant was thus issued against a certain Daniel Ugalde , 29, and a young woman 5 years his junior, responding to the name of Nicol Moreno . The couple appear to be responsible for this act of animal cruelty for which they were being prosecuted.

As for the bitch, she was offered for adoption as soon as her state of health was deemed satisfactory.

Read also: An unhappy bitch who did not look anyone in the eye and who had never known love regains a taste for life


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