Abandoned in a shelter, this heartbroken Chihuahua can’t help but cry before hearing the good news (video)

Finding herself overnight without a family and in a place she did not know at all, a dog did not understand what was happening to her and was crying in distress. An association intervened to find a solution.

For a dog who had a home and a family, suddenly being deprived of them is especially confusing. The trauma is even greater when he finds himself in a place that is totally foreign to him, populated by people and animals he had never met. The noises, the environment, the smells, the incomprehension… Everything contributes to destabilize the animal.

This is precisely what a one-year-old female Chihuahua experienced, as the Animal Channel recounts. She had arrived at the Carson Shelter in Gardena , California. Totally lost, she was shaking and crying incessantly. She was all the more unlucky since the reception structure in question is one that performs euthanasia in the event of a lack of space or when an animal is deemed unadoptable.

Upon hearing this, the team of the Saving Carson Shelter Dogs association immediately decided to act. She visited the bitch and then shared a video of her on Facebook , along with her story. The organization hoped in this way to attract the attention of potential adopters.

A loving family found for the bitch

A woman by the name of Tammi Blair saw the posts and immediately contacted a friend living in Missouri. The latter was just looking for a dog to adopt.

Read also: A dog who brings happiness to his building discovers a secret admirer in the corridors

The lady was able to meet the bitch and it was love at first sight; she adopted it immediately. Thus, she not only offered him the loving family life that she so missed, but she also saved him from euthanasia.

Thanks to Saving Carson Shelter Dogs , many dogs, like this female Chihuahua, are saved each year by being adopted, placed in foster families or transferred to shelters where the animals are not euthanized.


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