Kanak, famous victim support dog, leaves Quebec police and retires after 5 years of service

Service de police de Sherbrooke / Facebook

Kanak is known in Sherbrooke, where he worked, and well beyond the borders of Canada. An emotional support dog within the local police, he has just retired after a successful 5 year career comforting young victims during the legal process.

He has lifted the spirits of hundreds of children and encouraged many to testify by his very presence by their side. Kanak , victim support dog at the Criminal Investigations Division of the Service de police de Sherbrooke ( SPS ) in Quebec, will be entitled to a well-deserved retirement, as reported by La Tribune .

We were already telling you about this black-coated Labrador Retriever in 2016, when he was about to take up his duties after training provided by the MIRA foundation. We then gave news of him a few weeks later, when he was already beginning to make his precious contribution to justice.

Her role was to bring comfort to young victims, especially of sexual crimes, while they were heard by police investigators or during legal proceedings. Witnessing and putting into words their traumas being extremely difficult for them, Kanak’s support has very often been decisive.

Kanak’s successor to the SPS should be integrated after the summer

In 5 years of service, the canine thus intervened 429 times alongside his mistress, the investigator Mélanie Bédard . She had been taking care of him since 2015 and will continue to do so; It is, in fact, with her that Kanak will live his peaceful retirement.

Read also: The warm and supportive welcome of the residents given to the only puppy in a refuge (video)

At the same time, the 7-year-old dog also facilitated the rapprochement between the police and the inhabitants of Sherbrooke .

He should have a replacement in the Criminal Investigation Division of the SPS within a few months, again thanks to the partnership between the latter and the MIRA foundation.

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