Abandoned in the street, this dog finds joy in front of the lens!

A two-year-old dog, she was left on the street by her former owners, eager to get rid of her. Picked up by a shelter, she had the right to her photo shoot, which will help her get adopted in the months to come. Today, she takes advantage of the love given by her rescuers.

Mama Pickles became a stray dog in September. 2 years old, this Pitbull was not found in the street at the best time. She was pregnant and, considering the size of her belly, could give birth anytime.

Rescuers from Pits & Giggles Rescue , a local shelter , luckily discovered him in time. They were able to find traces of her owners who… no longer wanted her. They then took him under their roof, offering him care and comfort . Preparing her to give birth to several puppies.

A laughing photoshoot

Among the volunteers, a certain Lauren Casteen Sykes gave another relief to Mama Pickles’ stay between the walls of the shelter. Professional photographer , she helps puppies and dogs to showcase themselves to be more easily adopted .

In front of the kindness shown by Mama Pickles , she did not hesitate for a second to offer her a photo shoot.She was really happy to participate. The hardest part was to make her still, because she loves people so much that she walks towards them, ”admits the photographer to The Dodo.

A well-deserved rest at the refuge

Mama Pickles nevertheless showed her diva side, taking different poses, each more hilarious than the next. “ We couldn’t help laughing. It was a real cartoon! Even though the bitch was sometimes dispelled, Lauren managed to capture some sumptuous shots that, no doubt, will appeal to many potential adopters.

Read also: A Labrador forms a tender friendship with a lamb saved by its owner (video)

However, at present, she is resting with her little ones in a refuge where she does not lack love. The time will come, in the near future, to fill a family with joy!


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