Adventurer Sarah Marquis launches a fundraiser to help animals in Australia

The famous Swiss explorer wants to support biodiversity in Australia, severely affected by recent forest fires. For this, she launched an online prize pool. The funds raised will be redistributed to Australian associations working to save animals.

For years, Sarah Marquis has gone through great challenges and long crossings on foot , especially on the American West Coast, in Peru and in the Australian outback. She thus totals thousands of km of walking on the clock and is the author of several books relating her journeys.

The adventurer, native of Delémont , in the Swiss Jura, was very affected by the forest fires that recently raged in Australia , having destroyed very large areas of woodland and costing many animal lives . Faced with this immeasurable drama , she decided to act .

Sarah Marquis has, in fact, opened an online kitty on the GoFundMe platform in favor of animals in Australia. Through this initiative, she hopes to collect a maximum of funds intended for associations which, on the spot, strive every day to help the surviving animals burned , who have lost their habitat and are traumatized by the terrible ordeal they have. crossing. An approach which will thus bring its stone to the edifice of the preservation of the biodiversity , strongly undermined, of Australia.

The redistribution will be done through 3 assistance centers of the Wildlife Emergency Center . It will mainly concern Kangaroo Island, as well as the states of Victoria and New South Wales, which are the regions most affected by the fires.

To date, nearly 15,000 Swiss francs have been raised through Sarah Marquis’ pot. The target is CHF 50,000, or nearly € 47,000 .

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