Alerted by a jogger, the SPA takes charge of an abandoned Jack Russell at the foot of a tree without water or food

In a town in Pas-de-Calais, a man who was jogging discovered a dog left alone in the street, tied to a tree and without water or food. He alerted the authorities after giving him food and drink. The abandoned canine has since been in the local SPA refuge.

This Monday, December 7, an abandoned Jack Russell Terrier dog was discovered by a passer-by and picked up by the SPA in Tilques (62), as reported by La Voix du Nord .

The person in question, a jogger , stopped when he saw the dog tied to a tree by its leash , in an alley near the road leading to Saint-Omer . The quadruped had neither food nor water at its disposal. The runner then went to get him a bowl of kibble and gave him a drink. He then contacted the town hall.

The mayor of the Pas-de-Calais town, Patrick Bédague , immediately went to the scene and tried in vain, with 2 municipal agents, to free the Jack Russell Terrier. The latter, however, did not allow himself to be approached . The elected representative then requested the gendarmerie of Saint-Martin-lez-Tatinghem . The soldiers were able to manage the situation and, in the afternoon, they handed the dog over to the Saint-Omer SPA team who took care of it .

Read also: A 90-year-old woman survives thanks to her little dog, a ceremony is dedicated to her to thank him

The gendarmes try to gather as much information as possible that could put them on the trail of the author of this abandonment – everything suggests that it is indeed one. The task is nevertheless very difficult , since the animal is not identified in any way ; neither by electronic chip, nor by tattoo.

A dog which unfortunately comes to swell the ranks of abandoned animals , the number of which rises to 100,000 per year in France, according to figures from the SPA.


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