Alerted by his German Shepherd, a passer-by saves a baby seal washed up on the beach

In Ireland, a female dog guided her master to the location of a young seal, stranded and trapped in fishing nets. Thanks to her, the marine mammal was able to be freed and saved.

Olan Long lives near the cliffs of Weavers Point in Crosshaven , South West Ireland, with his dog Zoe . He had adopted the latter, a female German Shepherd Dog , from a shelter in August 2019. He knew she was very intelligent , but he recently had the opportunity to see that she could show immense empathy , as reported by Irish Central .

Last week, he was walking Zoe by the seaside, when the dog pulled away from him and started barking insistently. He followed her and discovered a baby seal washed up on the beach, between a rock and a sort of ditch. The poor animal had a rope around its neck and its body caught in a net .

The man returned home to look for something to free the seal, while Zoe watched over it. He could only cut the rope. The net was much harder to break. He then launched a call for help on Facebook . Warned, the Seal Rescue Ireland association sent a volunteer to the scene, but in the meantime, Olan Long and a neighbor were able to overcome the net.

Read also: A dog visits the neighbors’ puppy daily to get his massage (video)

The seal was finally free . Seal Rescue Ireland asked Olan Long to leave him on the beach, as his mother would likely come back to pick him up . So he and Zoe went home. The next morning he returned to the beach, but the seal was no longer there . He was undoubtedly at the side of his father.


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