An 11-year-old dog adopted during confinement is brought back to the shelter 9 months later. He waited for 200 days!

A senior dog suffering from separation anxiety has finally found a family, 6 months after arriving at the shelter. He had also experienced the disappointment of an aborted adoption.

The volunteers of Dog Trust Ilfracombe will miss Nanook, but they felt joy and pride when they saw him join his new family. This dog and the association team have been waiting for this moment for 200 days, as reported by the North Devon Gazelle this Thursday, June 24.

Nanook is an 11 year old Terrier cross. He arrived at this refuge in the county of Devon, in the south-west of England, in February 2020. Adopted shortly after, he was however brought back 9 months later, in November 2020. His owners at the time did not succeed. not dealing with separation anxiety and frequent barking.

Dogs Trust Ilfracombe

At Dogs Trust Ilfracombe , we have worked hard ever since to help her let go of her fear of loneliness. At the same time, the volunteers were looking for a family willing to offer him the stability and presence he needed. Their efforts eventually paid off.

An ideal family for Nanook

Sharon Maxwell , who lives in Dawlish about 120 kilometers away, was looking for a dog to adopt after the death of her senior Jack Russell Terrier. “ I was looking for another terrier because I am a big fan of this breed. I love their wit, their zest for life and their intelligence, ”she tells North Devon Gazelle .

She had seen his photos on the Dog Trust Ilfracombe website , then met him at the shelter. She fell in love with the canine and decided to adopt it.

Dogs Trust Ilfracombe

To read also: An 8 month old puppy taken in in a shelter, 11 years later he is still expecting a family!

Nanook was thus able to discover his new home and family. He is no longer likely to find himself alone, since his new owner lives with his retired mother, but also another dog called Rex . Moreover, the first contact with him was positive; the 2 congeners seem to get along wonderfully.


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