Going abroad with your pet the precautions to take in terms of food

Illustration : "Partir à l’étranger avec son animal de compagnie : les précautions à prendre sur le plan alimentaire" Illustration photo

Any trip is prepared, especially when you are accompanied by your dog or cat. The journey and being in a place that is unknown to him can be a source of disruption for your pet, hence the need to take all your precautions. This concerns in particular his diet.”

We all know that dogs and cats do not like their eating habits to be shaken up at all. They have their food preferences and so it’s important to stick to them, even on the go.”

” Provide a stock for the duration of the stay

If you have to travel abroad with your pet, remember to bring a sufficient amount of kibble, dog pie and treats for the duration of the stay. This will allow your companion to find landmarks through flavors, smells and textures that are familiar to him. This will help him adapt to his new environment.”

Make sure that the dog food or cat food you take with you does not suffer during the trip. Keep it well away from heat and sun so as not to affect its properties and preserve its freshness.”

However, if you are sure that, where you need to go, the products you usually give to your dog or cat are available, you will not have to take them with you. To prepare for any eventuality, you can still bring a few bags or boxes for the beginning of the stay, then buy some on the spot.”

” Preserve the feeding routine of your pet

Also remember to take the bowls of your dog or cat, whether it is the one intended for meals or the bowl of water. Again, this will make it easier for him to adapt to the context in which he will evolve.”

By the way, when you go abroad with your pet, try to maintain the usual meal times. Dogs and cats need to maintain their habits at this level too, because the hours they eat are key moments of their days, knowing that these animals remain strongly governed by their biological clock.”

Also make sure that your pet can eat in a quiet place, without a source of stress. The risk would be, otherwise, that he loses his appetite or, on the contrary, starts eating faster than usual, which would give rise to digestive disorders (vomiting, flatulence …).”

” Respect the regulations of the host countries with regard to pets

On another level, remember that each state applies its own regulations regarding the entry of pets. Find out more about the laws in force in the country of destination regarding the documents to be presented, the vaccinations to be carried out, etc.”

To read also: Abandoned on the side of a road with a chain pressed into the neck, this dog begins a new chapter of his life

Within the European Union, know that only the electronic chip is recognized as a means of identification. The European Passport is also mandatory to allow your pet to circulate, as is updating vaccinations and deworming (1 to 5 days before travel).”

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