Determined couple wait a year to gain the trust of a stray dog and provide them with a loving home

Dogs need time to trust someone, especially if that trust has been betrayed in the past. It took Scooby a year to realize that Joe and Marla only wanted him good. They were extremely patient and kind to the canine.

Joe and Marla had noticed a stray dog that came more and more often on their property. The canine looked hungry and needed help , but was too suspicious to be approached, Animal Channel recounts.

The man then got into the habit of leaving him to eat . The quadruped ended up accepting the food and even retrieving it from the palm of his benefactor’s hand, but he systematically walked away immediately after. He was n’t ready yet , far from it.

The couple decided to call him Scooby . It was autumn and winter was fast approaching. The cold and the snow set in, and Scooby was no longer showing any sign of life . Joe and Marla were very worried about him. Every day they left the house to call him, but the dog could not be found .

Spring has passed, then Scooby has finally returned during the summer . When Marla called him, he came running up to her, but was not yet willing to let himself be touched. A few days later, he began to follow them as they walked to their home.

The summer season was drawing to a close. Scooby was now venturing around their pool. One day, Joe had the idea to introduce him to his dog Samson . From then on, the 2 quadrupeds became inseparable friends . It is encouraged by his fellow man that Scooby has finally decided to enter Joe and Marla’s house . They were there to encourage him to explore the place.

They took the opportunity to make him wear a GPS collar to be sure to find him in the event of another escapade . But Scooby hasn’t disappeared since. Their house has become his .

A year after showing up in front of her house, this dog now has a family .

He also has an Instagram account, followed by over 48,000 subscribers. Here is his story in video :

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