Dog homemade recipe creativity

Illustration : "Idées de recettes fait maison pour chien"

would you rather cook by yourself than buy cookies or pies for your dog? As long as the nutritional needs of animals are met, this is a solution with many benefits. After reviewing some basic dietary rules for dogs, we provide simple recipes for various ingredients. The dog’s eating rules follow the dog’s diet, chicken, beef and mung bean fish, rice and spinach

has never served better than itself. This old adage applies to many aspects of our daily life, including our friends, dogs and the food we give them. Preparing a four legged dinner for themselves is a choice made by many homeowners for various reasons. If you want to do the same thing, here are some recipes…

why do you have dog food at home?

a man first makes food for his dog because it lets us know what its real range is. Although the high-quality snacks on the market are designed to meet the needs of dogs, distrust still exists in more than one owner.


also depend on the fun of cooking for the people you love. Just like preparing meals for children, the eating rules of

dogs must comply with

, but in order to make these preparations really beneficial to the health of dogs, these concepts must be understood and applied. The most important is the three components of dog food: meat, starch and vegetables.

receives suggestions from woopets through registered newsletters. I register your email address collected by woopets so that you can receive our news and business offers. Learn more about meat: it is a source of animal protein and is essential to the dog’s body. They are meat (red or white), fish, internal organs (especially the liver, which is also rich in minerals) or eggs. The latter is given occasionally and cooked (only yellow can be eaten raw). Starch: pasta, preferably rice. Vegetables: carrots, mung beans and zucchini are rich in vitamins and minerals.

includes fat (rapeseed oil, sunflowers, nuts, etc.) and dietary supplements.

Dog Chicken Formula

ingredients: 150g chicken, 150g vegetables (optional: carrot, zucchini, mung bean or a mixture of the three), 1 tbsp rapeseed oil, 1 tbsp beer yeast.

preparation: cook the rice for half an hour (until the rice becomes sticky), immerse the vegetables cut into small pieces in boiling water, and then add chicken throughout the cooking process. Add beer yeast and rapeseed oil.

in this recipe, as in all other recipes, remember that vegetable oil must always be eaten raw. The essential fatty acids they bring cannot withstand the heat of cooking.

beef and mung bean meal

ingredients: 150g coriander beef, 150g mung beans, 50g rice, 1 teaspoon eggshell powder, 1 teaspoon rapeseed oil (or other vegetable oil), 1 vitamin dietary supplement capsule (vitamins A and D).

preparation: make sure the rice is cooked. As with previous recipes, meat cooking should be light. To do this, put it at the end of the mung bean. Add eggshell powder(For calcium), supplements and rapeseed oil.

also includes: natural dog food

fish, rice and spinach

ingredients: 125g oily fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna, etc.), 80g rice, 150g spinach, vitamin and mineral supplements, 40g yogurt, dill.

Preparation: cook rice, spinach, and finally add fish. At the same time, mix yogurt, dill and dietary supplements. Pour the mixture over the fish / rice / spinach

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