Dog runs for help to rescue owner stuck in mud

Some dogs would do anything to save the lives of their family members. Aware of the danger to which his owner was exposed, trapped in mud in a park in Bedford (United Kingdom), Twiggy set off at full speed to seek help.

The walk of an Englishwoman with her 2 dogs along a river located north of Bedford, could have been very pleasant. Unfortunately, the trio had to face a difficult test. One of the canines, named Rosie , ran into the water.

An act that the bitch regretted afterwards: she got stuck. Its owner, very worried, rushed to the scene of the incident to try to recover it, reports BBC .

But by wanting to act well, the woman put herself in danger.

© Bedfordshire Fire Control

Twiggy , his second 4-legged companion, showed impressive intelligence and responsiveness.

When he saw his family members trapped in the mud, unable to extricate themselves from it on their own, he fled to alert passers-by. “ He ran back and forth, along the river, until people followed him and helped his owner, ” said one of the staff at the Bedforshire Fire and Rescue Service.

© Bedfordshire Fire Control

Firefighters have been contacted. Once there, they deployed their equipment to save the trapped duo. The owner of the 2 dogs was checked by paramedics. Fortunately, the survivors escaped this mishap unscathed.

Read also: An 11-year-old hero jumps into a swimming pool to rescue his Rottweiler (video)

© Bedfordshire Fire Control


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