Dog’s need for water

Illustration : "Les besoins en eau du chien"

regardless of your dog’s affinity for water, it is an important nutrient for dogs. You can monitor his / her daily water consumption, whether drinking or eating. This is a predetermined amount, which can help him / her maintain water in the body and prevent some diseases. Is water ideal for playing and feeling good? Some dogs also need it to maintain personal balance. The following is how to perfectly meet all their needs at any age according to their personality or lifestyle.


Weight related water quantity if your dog drinks more and your dog drinks less, monitor the source of water. According to the weight

, your dog’s body contains about 70% water and needs to be supplemented every day, In order to moisturize organs, transport blood components, body fluids, such as urine, or help perspire and defecate. Three days of dehydration was fatal to him. If nothing interferes with its daily function and its weight is stable, the required amount is 50 to 80 ml of water / kg per day.

for example, 500 to 800 ml of water per day for a 10 kg poodle at medium ambient temperature (15 ° C); For a shepherd weighing 30 kilograms, you should use one liter of bottles, an average of 1.5 to 2.4 liters a day. Therefore, it is important to assess the size of fish scales, fill fish scales with fresh, uncontaminated water (no drooling, soil, upper ice or inverted fish scales, etc.) once or twice a day, and consider that if the food is wet, some can be obtained through food. (soup, pie with 80% water, family ration, water sauce…)

if your dog drinks a lot of

If your dog needs to adapt to seasonal changes, high temperatures, pregnancy or lactation, eat too salty food, engage in more intense sports activities, or walk with other dogs, your dog’s demand for water will inevitably increase. He will tell you that his kettle is empty. He will take you to the nearest puddle to drink water. Sometimes in front of the puddle and stream, he will taste a few pieces of herbs just to cool and the water on the water surface.

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“”“ Some situations are just the opposite, which reflects some abnormal situations. If your dog drinks almost twice the normal amount every day, he may not be able to control himself at night. He requires to go out often, and his urine is clear and clear, A lot. Kidney disease or diabetes is usually associated with excessive drinking and urination. High fever may also lead to a lot of drinking water, so your dog is very tired and loss of appetite; in this case, please submit it to your veterinarian immediately.

Some small dogs rarely drink

Due to lifestyle, sedentary and overweight, small breeds of dogs may suffer from mild but repeated dehydration, coupled with excessive drying and unbalanced mineral diet, and sometimes bladder stones, which may hinder their urinary tract. Food, lifestyle and additional water supply should be considered to avoid recurrence.You will feel very painful and harmful to their health.

monitors the source of water

the safety of the water your dog drinks is noteworthy. Some puddles are sometimes contaminated with detergents, hydrocarbons or too stagnant water. Under high temperature, low flow rivers are sometimes prohibited due to fatal poisoning of dogs caused by edible fungi or aquatic bacteria. Be sure to have a suitable water level to dehydrate your dog while walking, or bring a water truck, a bottle of water or a dog gourd. The same tips for your car travel, heatstroke or exposure to easily rotating sunlight can be fatal in a few minutes. The dog’s fur can neither sweat nor regulate its temperature at will. Therefore, keep healthy moisture and always keep it in a safe place. “

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