Frightened Border Collie takes refuge with neighbor to avoid coyote pack attack

Friends since always, 2 bitches whose owners are neighbors had to face the attack led by a pack of coyotes in the middle of the night. One of them saved the other’s life by warning her master and intervening to drive them away.

Neighbors , Bella and Tasa are inseparable . The first is a 53 kilogram Argentine Mastiff female , while the second is an 8 year old Border Collie. The 2 bitches get together whenever they have the opportunity to play and spend time together.

Their attachment to each other also leads them to protect each other. This is precisely what Bella did for Tasa , as the Animal Channel recounts.

The incident in question took place in Magnolia , Texas a year ago during Thanksgiving. At around 2:30 a.m., Michael Cobb , Bella’s owner, was woken up by strange barking and by Bella, who was scratching the door to get out . He then opened the door to her and followed her to see what was going on. This is how he realized that a pack of particularly aggressive coyotes was in the backyard of his house.

They weren’t after Bella , but her friend Tasa . They were chasing her and even biting her . The Border Collie dog was injured in the paw . She was bleeding and limping. Bella was also attacked, but with the help of her master, she managed to put the coyotes to flight . That’s what saved Tasa .

CCTV footage subsequently viewed provided insight into what had happened. The coyotes first broke into the property of Spencer Williams , the owner of Tasa , to attack it. She had had the good idea to dive into the pool to escape them, but that hadn’t stopped them.

Also read: This soldier thought he would never see his dog adopted in Afghanistan again. His family has a moving surprise in store for him on his return to the USA

Tasa knew however where she could get help : at her neighbor Bella . So she ran to the house next door, where she was indeed defended by the dog Argentinian Dogue.

Tasa has recovered from his injury and resumed good old hab i studies with the brave Bella.


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