Get his dog used to wearing masks

Illustration : "Habituer son chien au port de la muselière"

wearing masks is not a natural behavior for dogs. It was not the most pleasant experience for him. However, this is a necessary measure and, in some cases, even mandatory. How do dogs get used to wearing masks?


under what circumstances do they need to wear masks? Which model do I choose for my dog? Sports and some candy to make dogs accustomed to wearing masks are not very good for dogs and dog owners, but this may be necessary in all cases, especially in law. Certain breeds of dogs must be used permanently in public places. Others must wear it under certain circumstances, such as during a veterinary examination. In order to familiarize four legged companions with wearing masks, there is a simple exercise that can be repeated. Under what circumstances is it necessary for

to wear masks?

may be mandatory in public transport and public places (parks, streets…). Of course, the purpose of this measure is to prevent dog bite accidents.

it is legal to wear masks for those who are classified as class 1 and class 2 “dangerous”. They are Staffordshire terriers, Tosa dogs, Rowe dogs, etc. In some cases, masks are worn for practical and safety reasons, such as veterinarians. In order to take care of animals without being bitten by dogs, you’d better get the dog used to being bitten. There are several types of firearms on the

market. They have different shapes and are made of different materials. Leather masks are common. They can make dogs open their mouths and breathe.

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. These metals are actually similar to small cages, providing good safety and greater freedom of movement for the dog’s mouth. Its owner can even give it candy or let it drink water through the grid.

as for the nylon mask, it only leaves a small opening space and can only be used in a short time. No matter what type of tone you choose, it is important to choose a size large enough for the dog to breathe. It is worth noting that dogs can only regulate their body temperature through their mouth.

sports and some candy make them accustomed to wearing

. Like any learning, it is best to start when dogs are still young. The recommended age for this campaign is 6 months.

was originally designed to place a candy in his mouth to encourage him to immerse truffles in his mouth. In a quiet environment, when you sit in front of the dog, you will put the muzzle together with the candy inside, then put it in your mouth and let it take it.

the next step is to do the same thing, but put the muzzle chain behind the dog’s head,


also read: use


to educate his dog. Then, after many rehearsals, you can connect the mask for a few seconds. You shouldn’t forget to congratulate him. When he performs, you should give him candy by mouth.-Yes. Once it’s in place, it’s best to let it exercise for a few minutes: a game, a few steps, a small run… The purpose is to divert its attention and get it used to wearing it. “

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