Group of drivers pull up in the middle of a freeway to help a panicked dog

A great outpouring of solidarity spontaneously developed among the users of a busy Texas highway, and helped save a dog in great danger.

In November 2019, Toby Tinelli was driving his car with his wife on a freeway in Houston , Texas, when the couple noticed a panicking dog on that expressway. The animal was terrified and ran without knowing where it was going. His leash was still attached to his collar .

Motorists then began to slow down and cluster around the quadruped to form a sort of safety cordon , activating their hazard lights to warn other road users.

Toby Tinelli got ahead of them and stopped in front of the quadruped to prevent him from going any further. Other drivers left their vehicles and started running behind the dog in an attempt to catch it.

It was an incredible moment! All the cars on the highway stopped to help. People were jumping out of their cars and running after the bitch,Toby Tinelli tells The Dodo . Because yes, it turned out to be a female . She was eventually caught up and saved .

In fact, the dog’s owner had just had a traffic accident . In the panic of the moment, she had run away . Other than a cut to the leg, she suffered no serious injuries . Here is the moment of his reunion with his master:

Read also: Supported by his family, this dog suffering from a rare disease struggles every day to live normally


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