Hard hit by a terrible accident in which she lost her dog, this woman devotes her entire life to stray dogs

In Russia, a young woman chose to devote her life to stray dogs, including welcoming them into her small apartment and helping them find families. One way for her to better cope with the loss of her dog, which occurred 15 years ago.

Daughter of a couple of mathematicians, Anastasia Pomorina , 33, was promised a great career as a computer engineer, but after her 6 years of study, she chose a completely different path. The young Muscovite became a sports coach and specialized in different disciplines, including canicross .

It was precisely by going to take part in a canicross competition that his life was turned upside down . She was then 18 years old . She had traveled to Belgium with her dog Ringo , but on the way there was a terrible car accident . The quadruped did not survive . Anastasia almost died too. The drama caused him to lose part of his memory and caused him to have multiple fractures.

From then on, she decided to do everything possible to save the dogs in difficulty , as reported by the Washington Post . Whenever she sees a stray animal, she picks it up , takes care of it , and then tries to find a family for it . She does the same with cats .

In her two-room apartment in Moscow , she has sleeping places for 15 dogs and 13 cats . Some are blind , others were once abused. Today they are safe and happy by his side.

Anastasia is part of a small network of 6 rescuers of animals in distress, called Fluffy Help . Like them, more and more Russians are organizing to help stray dogs and cats.

Read also: The unique friendship between a rescued stray kitten and a Golden Retriever (video)

During the Soviet era, the authorities shot them down ruthlessly, especially at the approach of major international events. In 2001, the government initiated a capture-sterilization-return program , followed by the construction of additional municipal shelters.


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