Holland becomes first country without abandoned dogs thanks to tough political measures

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Tightened sanctions against the perpetrators of abandonment and free sterilization are among the measures that have enabled the Netherlands to become the first country not to deplore any abandoned dog. A model that seems to work effectively and an example to follow.

The abandonment of pets is a scourge that many countries are trying to contain, with varying degrees of success. In France, they are 100,000 to be abandoned each year by their masters, according to the SPA. With a peak observed during the summer vacation period. The situation is hardly better in other regions of the world, in particular the United States where 6.5 million dogs and cats land in shelters each year (data from the ASPCA ).

Ending abandonment is a huge challenge that one country in particular has successfully met brilliantly. This is the Netherlands. The Dutch authorities are applying a policy that has demonstrated its effectiveness, based both on measures targeting the stray dog population, as well as incentives and sanctions, as explained by NeoZone .

Vast sterilization campaigns and sanctions

One of the pillars of this approach is the CNVR program: Collect, Neuter, Vaccinate, Return. Which means collect, sterilize / castrate, vaccinate and release. A method which also includes an identification step.

At the same time, those who abandon pets face a prison sentence of up to 3 years, as well as a fine of up to 13,000 euros.

Associated with this are the free sterilization and the high taxation of the purchases of purebred dogs, which are only done by breeders. All of these provisions have resulted in a significant reduction in the number of dogs living in the streets and an end to abandonment.

A model cited as an example and already highlighted in 2012 in a report by Isabelle Sternheim . There, the anthropologist and social scientist analyzed Dutch strategy in this area and studied the relationship between locals and dogs for 200 years.

Read also: The oldest dog in a shelter receives a standing ovation when he leaves to join his new family (video)

For its part, the Stray Animal Foundation platform fully adheres to this policy and recognizes its efficiency. The organization indicates that the control of the population of stray animals becomes possible in a region as soon as 70% are sterilized.

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