In tears in front of a frozen stray dog in a bus station, this young man decides to offer him the warmth of his swimsuit! (Video)

On a cold day in Brazil, a metro user noticed a stray dog shivering in the station. Without hesitation, the man took off his t-shirt to cover the frozen animal with cold. A scene that has been around social networks.

On Saturday August 22, the thermometer read between 8 and 11 ° C in São Paulo , Brazil. It was the lowest temperature recorded in the metropolis in 2020. That day Fernando Gabriel , 30, and his brother Felipe Paulino , 33, came from Guarujá , a coastal town, and were about to take the metro. at Jabaquara station, when they noticed a stray dog that was very cold .

The poor quadruped was lying at the foot of the ticket offices of the station and did not stop trembling . Fernando Gabriel was the first to buy his ticket, then waited for his brother to do the same, but he had other priorities. While his younger son was filming him, Felipe Paulino took off his sweatshirt, then his t-shirt to put the latter on the dog and thus keep him warm, reports G1-Globo . It was his favorite t-shirt, by the way , but nothing was more valuable to him than the welfare of this helpless animal.

It was something simple. I never imagined such repercussions. It didn’t cost anything. I have a dog and my brother has one too. We grew up with pets , ”said Fernando Gabriel of this scene he immortalized.

Read also: The viral friendship between garbage collectors and 2 dogs who await the arrival of their heroes every week

For his part, Felipe Paulino said it was something natural : “ It was very cold, I bent down and started to stroke him. People were watching and doing nothing. One of them even called me crazy ”. For the 2 young men, this gesture was nothing extraordinary, them whose parents have always helped abandoned animals . “ If he had been here in Guarujá, I would have taken him to a vet and tried to find a loving family ,” he continued.


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