In the pouring rain, a garbage collector saves the life of an abandoned dog in a dumpster!

As he was about to empty the contents of a dumpster into his truck, a garbage collector realized that a dog was inside, among the rubbish. For him, there is no doubt that the latter was deliberately placed there.

In Virginia (eastern United States), a man at the controls of a garbage truck saved the life of a dog abandoned in the middle of the garbage, as reported by WMTW Channel 8 on Monday, July 5.

WMTW Channel 8

Early that morning, it was raining heavily in the city of Petersburg , located about 40 kilometers from Richmond . Jermaine Jackson was on his daily garbage collection tour. While intervening in a kind of cul-de-sac where 2 large dumpsters were waiting to be emptied, something caught his attention in one of them.

WMTW Channel 8

The man approached the container and was stunned to find that it was a female dog. The poor animal wore an expression of sadness and distress; she hoped someone would finally get her out of there. That’s what Jermaine Jackson did. Despite what she was going through, the dog wagged her tail and was very friendly when she saw the man approaching her.

WMTW Channel 8

After sheltering it from the rain, the garbage collector attempted to contact the local animal control service, but it was not yet open at that time. Jermaine Jackson then entrusted it to a resident, Frances Verschuure , who took care of it. She gave him blankets, food and water. The dog was thus able to rest until the arrival of the agents, who were finally able to be contacted.

WMTW Channel 8

It could only be an abandonment

They immediately understood that she had recently given birth. They took her in charge and placed her in the shelter. “ We were happy that she had another home. The animal control officers were as gentle and kind as they could get, and I hope she finds a loving family , ”said Frances Verschuure after this rescue.

Read also: 2 retired military police dogs rewarded for their exemplary work

WMTW Channel 8

Same feeling on the side of Jermaine Jackson , who said he was relieved to have discovered and rescued her in time. However, being himself the owner of 2 dogs, he does not understand that one can behave so cruelly with an animal. For him, in fact, it is clear that this is a deliberate act; given the size of the bitch and the height of the sides of the dumpster, it was impossible for her to climb or jump on it.

She is now in good hands and will receive all necessary care before being offered for adoption.


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