Labrador hounds go to school to help students alleviate the anxiety caused by covid-19

Due to the pandemic, we are seeing more anxious children ,” said Nik Maund . The teacher decided to call on his faithful 4-legged companion, Buddy .

© Nik Maund

© Nik Maund

Improve student well-being

Buddy has become the daily sunshine for children. Her benevolence and calmness help them feel less stressed.

© Nik Maund

Given the positive results seen, he plans to bring the dog’s sister, 16-week-old Bella. The whole family appreciates the process.

© Nik Maund

Nik Maund , his wife and their children love that their life companions are able to help others.

Read also: A neglected dog discovers for the first time the comfort of a bed after having lived all her life outside

© Nik Maund


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