Man willing to pay ransom to get his beloved dog back from thieves

Ash Morris / Daily Record

Desperate after his dog was stolen, a man finally agreed to pay the ransom demanded by his captors. The animal is back with its family, safe and sound.

Ash Morris , 30, lives in Kidderminster in the county of Worcestershire, in the West of England. Recently he had to pay a ransom to get his young dog back, as reported by the Daily Record .

Ash Morris / Daily Record

The puppy in question is 5 months old and is called Tiga . He was the smallest of the litter sired by the family’s German Shepherd couple, and Ash Morris had bottle-fed him. He is therefore extremely attached to it.

Ash Morris / Daily Record

On June 12, Tiga and her parents escaped from the house. In search of the dogs, Ash Morris learned from a neighbor who witnessed the scene that a man driving a black BMW had stopped to take the young quadruped, who was running on the road. .

The next day, a stranger called him to tell him that he had Tiga and that he demanded a transfer of money to his account to return the animal to him. Something that Ash Morris initially rejected, his interlocutor having refused to send him a photo of Tiga as proof. On Monday, the kidnapper contacted him again, explaining that if he didn’t pay, he would never see his 4-legged friend again.

Ash Morris warned the police, who advised him not to give in to blackmail. The situation remained unchanged until Wednesday, when another person called him and then sent him a video showing the puppy. She claimed that she had just bought Tiga without knowing it was being stolen, and asked Ash Morris to pay her 1,000 pounds sterling (nearly 1,200 euros).

The latter obviously did not believe her, but he wanted more than ever to see his dog again. He replied that he could only pay half the amount, which the individual agreed to. An appointment was thus fixed.

At around 10:30 p.m., Ash Morris and his partner went to a park in Dudley near Birmingham , 12 miles from their home. Tiga’s owner had to put the 500 pounds in a dumpster. He did.

Soon after, his phone rang; on the other end of the line, he was told that his dog was tied up on the basketball court, a few feet away. Ash Morris went there and did find him there.

Tiga was thin and dehydrated, but still found the strength to party his master. Brought home, he received a good meal which he quickly devoured. The couple’s children cried with joy when they saw him again.

To read also: Afflicted by the disappearance of their dog, a family shocked to see him on television 2 years later (video)

Ash Morris / Daily Record

I know people say we shouldn’t pay a ransom, but I just wanted my dog back, ” said a relieved Ash Morris. Police opened an investigation. </p

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