Mourn his dog

With , Illustration : "Faire le deuil de son chien" and

, in any case, nothing can prepare you for losing a dog. Not just a pet, this furry love ball has become a family member you love wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, facing his death will inevitably bring great sadness. You must know how to overcome it and mourn it. Sadness is to continue through the stage of sadness: a gesture to help your dog be with you at the last moment. Hold funerals for your partner, cherish happy memories, communicate and manage the loss of dogs. When you have children, the loss of

dogs can be a very painful test. Some owners compare it to the loss of family or close friends. Dogs’ empathy, their ability to capture emotions, and their infinite love will only amplify our extraordinary attachment to them. Therefore, it is necessary to mourn his companions. Sometimes, driven by the people around us or social customs, we try to avoid the emotions related to the loss of animals. However, burying sadness or trying to keep your mind busy without thinking about it will only prolong the process of sadness.

feeling sad, shocked or lonely is a normal response to the loss of a loved pet. Expressing these feelings does not mean you are weak or emotionally unstable. This just means that you mourn for the animals you love, and you shouldn’t be ashamed of it. In order to truly recover, you must face your sadness and actively deal with it.

sadness continues to live

the process of sadness is only a gradual process. It cannot be forced or hurried, and there is no foolproof way. Everyone deals with their sadness in different ways. Some people begin to feel better within weeks or months. For others, this process can be measured in years. No matter what sad experience you have, it is important to be patient and let the process go naturally.


are often surprising at the beginning. A silent sadness, a misunderstanding, a complete rejection of this tragic situation. A form of denial of reality proposed by psychiatrist Elisabeth K ü BLER Ross is actually the first step of sadness. Not everyone goes through all these steps in the same way, and some people don’t go through them in perfect order. As psychiatrists themselves admit, the stage of sadness is nonlinear and predictable progress cannot be expected.


usually replace anger with guilt when they lose their pets. Because we are responsible for the safety and welfare of dogs, this sense of guilt accompanies us, whether it is planned euthanasia after long-term illness or accidental death. Then we negotiate with fate. What can we do to avoid this situation? Is there another way out? Unfortunately, we can’t control everything and it’s hard to accept. Despite our best efforts, inevitable things will happen one day.

many dog owners who mourn their partners say they feel their emotions come and go, This raises the question of whether they can overcome this loss. We will never really recover from the loss, because we can’t forget that we just learn to live a better lifeUse it. The only way to face sadness is to live, accept the gesture of

and help him accompany his dog at the last moment.

if you have a chance, you must be present at the end of your dog’s life.

although it is difficult, being present in this pain is essential for your dog and may be the best way to prepare for the sadness process. Your dog always thinks you are his best friend. Your eyes will make him more calm to meet death. His eyes may help you more easily accept this cruel aspect of the life cycle.

gets the advice of woopets by registering a newsletter. I register your email address collected by woopets so that you can receive our news and business offers. Learn more about holding funerals for your

partner, and rituals to commemorate your dead animals may help you recover. This is an opportunity for you and your family to publicly express your feelings and pay final tribute to those who have been spending their lives with you. Put aside those customs or people who think it is inappropriate to hold funerals for pets and do what you think is right. For example, you can perform rituals with incineration and dispose of your dog’s ashes in a manner you think appropriate. Put them beside you, scatter them on the mountains where he likes running very much, or turn them into soil on the trees to commemorate him.

incineration solution is usually the best, because it is not always possible to bury his dog, and it is a pain to send him to the stables. You can discuss this solution with your veterinarian, or directly turn to a specialized company, such as esthima, which has pet crematoria all over France. With esthima, you can take your pet directly to the nearest crematorium after receiving the call, or ask the company to deal with it from your veterinary office. Esthima meets your needs and provides three types of cremation (plural, reference and private) for your wedding.

cherishes happy memories,

prepares a memorial hall, plants a tree and a photo album for your animals, Share your memory with your animal, or write an article to commemorate it: all these can be opportunities to celebrate your animal partner’s life. Remembering the happiness and love you share with your pet can help you turn a new page, or at least keep happy memories in your memory.


, even for a person who doesn’t want to expand his feelings, Communication is the key to mourning. Being able to say your pain is a big step in acceptance. If you think your friends and family are not sensitive to animal damage, find someone to listen to. Contact other people who have lost their pets.

check out a special forum, consult your veterinarian, or why not consult a psychologist, which may help deal with feelings such as guilt. It can help you, for example, tell you that no matter what efforts you make or what actions you take, your dog can’t live forever. In any case, another person who has also experienced the loss of a beloved pet may better understand your experience and help you mourn.When you have children, losing a pet is usually the first cause of death. This is the first time you have the opportunity to let him understand the life cycle and teach him how to face sadness and pain. Unfortunately, sadness and pain are the counterpart of the happiness brought by the love of another life. Many children love their pets deeply, and some don’t even remember life without them. Therefore, the death of a dog may be more traumatic. Like us, a child must mourn, even if he doesn’t know the meaning of the word. A child may be angry and look for a person responsible for the death of animals.

he may also be aware of everyone’s lethality, so he is afraid that other people or animals he loves will leave him. The way you deal with the grief process can determine whether the experience has a positive or negative impact on your child’s personal development.

some parents think they should try to protect their children from the grief of losing their pets, Either avoid mentioning the death of animals or put forward another statement. Although this method can avoid the pain of the present, it also has an impact on the future.


pretend that animals run away or fall asleep, which may confuse the child at this moment. When he finally finds the truth, he may feel betrayed. Maybe it’s best to be honest with the children and give them a chance to mourn in their own way. “

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