Moved by a man’s food donations, this puppy decides to take him to work to spend more time by his side

In Malaysia, a stray dog was not insensitive to the generosity of a young man who came every day to feed her. So she decided to follow him to his place of work to find him. Perhaps the media coverage of this story on social media will help her find a family.

Mohd Ridhuan is a young Malaysian who lives in Johor Bahru , a coastal town located at the southern end of the country. Working in a grocery store , he used to go to the beach , not far from the store, with a group of friends to relax and enjoy the scenery.

Since then, he has started coming back to the beach regularly to feed them . The dogs, on the other hand, awaited his arrival impatiently and always greeted him happily. Among them was a female dog , which Mohd Ridhuan called Sally .

Last July, the young man was unable to visit them. Sally then thought it was her turn to go see him. She followed him to the grocery store where he works. Pleasantly surprised, Mohd Ridhuan decided to keep her with him in the store, where she now spends all her days.

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Mohd Ridhuan would have liked to adopt him , but he cannot have pets in his apartment. He is therefore currently looking for a loving family for the adorable Sally .


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