New start for twenty dogs withdrawn from a breeder who neglected them

An association of Missouri and the police intervened in a breeding where dogs lived in deplorable conditions. 21 canids suffering from malnutrition and various diseases were thus saved. The breeder, however, had a license, but he had been in the sights of the authorities for months.

21 neglected dogs were evacuated from a kennel and taken care of by an association, reported FOX 2 this Thursday, July 29.

The intervention took place the day before in McDonald County, nearly 500 kilometers from the Humane Society of Missouri shelter. The latter is based in Saint Louis in the State of Missouri (southern United States).

The property in question had already been reported to authorities last year, but the breeder denied access to investigators from the Missouri Department of Agriculture. As the state attorney general’s office recently ordered them to enter, the rescue was finally able to take place this week.


The interveners were shocked because they noticed in this breeder who nevertheless holds a license. The dogs “ were in terrible shape. We are heartbroken just watching them, ”says Ella Frank of the Humane Society of Missouri . “ Some were in cages, others inside the house, ” she continues.

In addition to the 21 survivors, volunteers discovered the lifeless body of a dog and the remains of an as yet unknown number of congeners who have been deceased for some time. The rescued canids belong to different breeds: Boxers, Chihuahuas, Yorkshire Terriers… They suffer from various pathologies and some are in a state of extreme thinness.


These dogs lived in horrible conditions. The negligence of the breeder is inhuman and totally unacceptable, ”says Kathy Warnick , president of the association.

After their evacuation, the quadrupeds made the long 6-hour journey to the Saint Louis refuge, where they continue to receive care. Depending on the case, the animals will not be fully recovered for 2 weeks to 2 months, estimates veterinarian Julie Brinker . She is the head of the team of caregivers who have examined the survivors of this farm and treat them.


Adoptable dogs upon recovery, the breeder sued

Dogs can be offered for adoption as soon as their state of health allows them. A clear improvement has already been observed in a few, including a bitch who could not walk and who, yesterday, began to stand on her feet again.

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As for the negligent breeder, he will have to answer in court. The McDonald County District Attorney’s Office and Sheriff’s Department are working to determine which charges will be brought against the respondent.


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