Probiotics for dogs

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probiotics are good bacteria allies in our bodies and dogs. They enable them to control harmful microorganisms, thereby rebalancing the intestinal flora, which is a health factor. Under what circumstances can probiotics be added to the dog’s diet? What are their benefits? How do you use them?


what are probiotics? Health benefits of probiotics what probiotics can you give your dog?

probiotics lovers praise them and endow them with various health virtues. Although some of them are exaggerated, often for commercial purposes, others are completely credible. Let’s look at probiotics for dogs.

what is probiotics?

the definition of probiotics by who (World Health Organization) and FAO (food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) is as follows: Beyond traditional nutritional effects.

in short, probiotics are used to promote the proliferation of good bacteria in the intestine and stomach, so as to restore the balance of intestinal microbiota (also known as intestinal microbiota). The latter naturally should have these good bacteria, but this situation may be changed by taking antibiotics, steroid therapy and various other drugs. When we know that microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract will affect the overall health status of dogs (digestion, immune system, skin health, respiratory system, etc.), People recognize the importance of ecosystem balance and the need to restore ecosystems when they are changed to harmful bacteria. Therefore, dog probiotics were developed for this purpose.


, but their interest mainly focused on dogs lacking intestinal flora. Health benefits of


probiotics have many health benefits, However, it is worth noting that some of them have not been officially confirmed by extensive research.

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probiotics, which are designed to support the dog’s natural defense and improve the dog’s food digestibility.

probiotics can also reduce gastrointestinal symptoms, from diarrhea to intestinal inflammation and vomiting.

Priobiotics for dogs also help prevent diabetes and obesity, as well as skin problems caused by allergies, diseases and parasites. Any defect in the intestinal microbiota can affect the skin flora and make the skin more vulnerable.

what probiotics can you give your dog?

probiotics will not be permanently fed to dogs. Their role must be limited to the occasional provision of food supplements. We assume that the intestinal flora has the ability of natural regeneration, and probiotics are used to support or accelerate this process.

these dog probiotics have different forms: capsules, tablets, pastes or powders. We add them toFeed the animals within the specified dose and recommended treatment time.

can also be read: natural dog food

and some probiotics can be made by ourselves, such as milk cheese. The latter is made of whole milk, goat or sheep mixed with kefir grain. Ferment for 2-3 days and then bubble like soda. It is estimated that 125 ml of milk contains 40 billion kinds of bacteria. Usually the daily dose is one teaspoon, which can be added to the dog’s food, but the veterinarian must determine the exact dose according to the animal’s needs

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