Rescue workers rescue Labrador from heatstroke in the mountains

While hiking in the mountains with his owner, a dog suffered greatly from the heat, so much so that he could not continue to move forward. Volunteer rescuers mobilized to help him and take him to the vet.

We cannot say it enough: it is essential to protect your dog from the heat . Our 4-legged friends are much more sensitive to it than we are and the consequences on their health can be very serious . This was recalled by the sheriff’s office in Salt Lake County, in the state of Utah (western United States), after its members rescued a canine victim of a stroke. heat .

Leo , a Labrador Retriever , accompanied his owner on a hike on Mount Olympus , when it was 37C that day. The heatwave , the steep slope and the obstacles got the better of the dog’s body, which ended up lying on its side and could no longer walk.

His owner made him drink water , but the animal still could not get back on its feet. The man used all the water he had left to try to cool him down , with no more success. He had no choice but to call for help.

Volunteer rescuers from the Salt Lake Sheriff’s Department responded to his call. The search and rescue group was able to reach the dog and his owner, and gave them more water to rehydrate them . The Labrador drank 4 or 5 liters of it, according to Animal Channel . However, since he still couldn’t move, they put him on a stretcher and walked down the mountain together.

Arrived at the foot of the Olympus after several hours of effort, they then handed him over to a police officer who transported him in his patrol vehicle to the veterinarian . In the meantime, a thunderstorm erupted and the temperature quickly dropped , which relieved Leo . Examined by the specialist, the dog was finally out of danger .

Read also: Abandoned 3 times because of his deformity, this dog never thought to find love

In total, the rescue operation lasted 6 hours and 20 minutes . It was well worth it when you know a life has been saved and you see the dog start walking again and wag its tail again.


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