Runaway furless dog found in garden on New Years morning

In the early morning of New Year 2019, barking from a garden is heard by a local resident. The owners of the house in question, on vacation, never had a dog. The RSPCA is contacted and, on the spot, it discovers a small dog, with partly absent fur, abandoned to its sad fate.

Did he get lost? Has he been abandoned ? The mystery remains unsolved. Anyway, a little dog stood out on 1 January barking in the garden of a house. Its owners, on vacation, did not have any pets. Also, it stunned their neighbor who decided to immediately call the RSPCA.

Fear must have terrorized him and made him flee. Unless he was abandoned.

Its owner is wanted

Direction the vet for the one baptized Ducky by Lucy . Unsurprisingly, the lack of fur on much of the body was a result of a skin disease , but it doesn’t show any fleas . Her weight was rated as pretty good , prompting Lucy to say that Ducky was undoubtedly left out on the streets.

Read also: By adopting a newborn kitten, a female Doberman Pinscher proves that a mother’s love knows no bounds (video)

The dog was taken care of by his structure which is responsible for rehabilitating and caring for him . Thanks to the photos released, the RSPCA hopes that someone will recognize him in order to find his owner. Until that day of reunion that may never come, Ducky can have peace of mind: he will never be as well as with his rescuers.


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