Saved from freezing cold: a dog abandoned and chained to a tree by his owners, finds solace in the arms of his rescuer

The fate of a dog abandoned by its owners worried a neighbor, who decided to call the local animal control service. Very quickly, 2 young women intervened to rescue the small canine frozen with cold and chained.

It had snowed heavily in the State of Illinois. This did not facilitate the already very hard life of stray animals and left to their own devices . Roscoe was one of them, as Ipnoze reports.

This dog had been abandoned by its owners. They had left him alone in a house, tied to a crate and with a single layer of straw for a bed . His masters only visited him once a week to give him kibbles .

A resident realized the situation and notified the local shelter , Animal Control and Shelter in Effingham County . An agent, Vanessa Skavlem , and the manager, Michelle Shoot , attended the scene without wasting a moment.

The little dog ran to meet them , according to Vanessa Skavlem . Roscoe was delighted that someone was finally paying her attention . The 2 young women immediately took him aboard their vehicle, where he took advantage of the heat of which he had been cruelly deprived for so long. They then gave him something to eat . “ You could see the joy in his face,Skavlem said . The animal was photographed at that time.

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