Sensitive, this dog can not hide his sadness at the death of Mufasa in The Lion King

Who hasn’t pulled a little tear while watching Mufasa’s famous death scene? Entire generations have been touched by Simba’s despair over his father’s lifeless body. The dog Luna was not insensitive to it either.

Luna the Pitbull’s mother was pregnant with her and 11 other puppies when she was taken in and placed in foster care . When they got big enough, the bitch , her siblings, and their parent were all adopted , as The Dodo recounts. The Humane Educational Society shelter , located in Chattanooga in the state of Tennessee, had indeed managed to place them fairly quickly.

Luna , she was adopted by a young couple living in the city, Josh Myers and Hannah Huddleston . As she got older, the bitch showed her parents how sweet and sensitive she was. A touching episode, which occurred a fortnight ago, is the perfect illustration of this.

We can discover the scene in question through the video below, posted by Josh on Facebook . That day, the couple were watching The Lion King on TV in the presence of Luna , who was busy with her toys . But as Mufasa ‘s infamous and sad death streak arrived, the bitch completely interrupted her game . All his attention was on the screen. Mufasa had just had a fatal fall caused by his brother Scar , and Simba was desperately trying to wake him up. Faced with this sight, Luna began to utter complaints , and then when the young lion lay down, she did the same .

The video has generated tens of thousands of reactions and shares on the social network. However, this is not the only platform where Luna is talking about her, since her parents have dedicated an Instagram account to her .

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In addition, the sweetness of this bitch seems to be a point shared by all the members of her litter, affectionately called The Melon Dozen . The owners of the 12 sibling dogs meet regularly to chat and allow their 4-legged companions to meet . All testify to their extreme kindness .


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