Choosing a Japanese dog

Dogs of Japanese origin have a lot of qualities. If you plan to adopt one, here is an overview of their specificities that will help you make your choice.

Many of the Japanese breeds are Spitz . Akita, Hokkaïdo Ken and Shiba are among them, but Japan has given birth to races of several other types. The Chin, the Japanese Terrier and the Tosa also showcase their formidable skills in different areas. If you want to adopt a Japanese dog, Woopets has several ads for animals available for adoption at your disposal.

The Akita Inu: unlimited loyalty

A Spitz-type dog, the Akita Inu is an ancient breed, originally from Akita Prefecture. He was traditionally bred there for big game hunting. He descends from the Akitas Matagis , which was used as a fighting dog from the 17th century.

Attentive and attached to his master, the Akita Inu is nonetheless a dog with a very strong character. He is a very good companion, rescue and hunting dog.

The American Akita: the big cousin

The Great Japanese Dog ( American Akita ) is also descended from the Akitas Matagis. It was crossed with the Tosa and the Mastiff, hence its larger size compared to the Akita Inu. This Akita is said to be American because it was imported to the United States after World War II to be developed there. Independent and calm, he is a vigilant guardian and little barker.

The Japanese Spaniel: the salon dog

Hokkaïdo Ken: courage and adaptability

Spitz-type and primitive dog, the Hokkaïdo ( Ainu Ken or Hokkaïdo Ken ) is courageous , jovial and often showing a great capacity to adapt to its environment . Powerful and endowed with a thick coat, he enjoys stalking big game on the most difficult terrain. He is also pleasant company and an excellent guardian.

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The Sakhalin Husky: enduring and precious

As its name suggests, the Sakhalin Husky ( Karafuto Ken ) is native to the island of Sakhalin, which has long been the subject of tensions between Japan and Russia. This large Spitz is an enduring and robust sled dog, but unfortunately increasingly rare . He also shows himself to his advantage in hunting and guarding.

The Kishu Inu: the calm hunter

Also called Kishu Ken , this medium-sized Spitz is a born hunter who adapts perfectly to his role as a companion dog. However, it is less comfortable in small spaces, such as apartments. Cheerful without being agitated, he is appreciated for his great calm , which he displays both at home and when hunting.

The Shiba Inu: small and very lively

Of mountain origin and very old, the Shiba is a little sportsman who gives himself without counting. With a solid constitution despite its small size, this Spitz is an excellent small game hunter and a pleasant everyday companion.

The Shikoku: thoughtful, but stubborn

The Shikoku is distinguished by the impression it gives of taking the time to analyze each situation. This does not prevent him from being stubborn , but it benefits him when he stalks big game. It must be socialized early.

The Japanese Terrier: pleasant to live with

A descendant of the smooth-haired Fox Terrier , the Japanese Terrier ( Nihon Teria ) is always in a jovial mood. Particularly pleasant to live with, he gets along very well with children and other dogs. However, it is not suitable for people with domestic rodents. It was indeed bred for pest hunting.

Read also: The 10 fastest dog breeds

The Tosa Inu: quiet strength

A formidable fighter in the past, the Tosa is today a very calm and balanced dog, although its Mastiff type constitution gives it a dissuasive character. Courageous, loyal and little barker, he is an excellent guard and defense dog who will not hesitate to protect his family.

It is nevertheless suitable for a master who knows how to manage and socialize it from an early age, so as not to be overwhelmed when he becomes an adult. </p

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